get a qualified opinion concerning hotel safety and security
Hotels have a sacred duty to protect their guests and their guest’s privacy.
Legal expectations concerning guest security set a very high standard for the hospitality industry which often finds itself confronted with the threat of litigation.
Hotel Security Group’s expertise knows the answers and how to prove them with:
25 years of global experience in the hotel industry
15 years of law enforcement experience
Unmatched courtroom presentation skills
““As a member of my Extended Stay America Hotels executive team, Brad Bonnell directed sensitive and complex investigations into serious allegations of misconduct, waste, fraud and abuse. I worked with Brad throughout all hours of the day and night and can honestly say that he was the absolute best executive I have ever worked with in his field.””
Let Our Team Serve You Well
Coherent comprehensive analysis and assessment of hotel security capabilities and functions are provided, and Hotel Security Group will consistently offer findings with credibility.